15 julio 2011

Mystic Warlords of ka'a', el juego de cartas de Big Bang Theory

Realmente creo, que esto es la vuelta de tuerca más friki que podría llegar a realizarse.
Para los que conozcáis la serie Big Bang Theory, sabréis que en varios episodios los protagonistas, juegan a un juego de cartas, incluso se organiza un torneo en la tienda de cómic, llamado Mystic Warlords of Ka'a.
Evidentemente se trata de un juego inventado, por los guionistas de la serie intentando parodiar a los CCG o LCG, tipo Magic.
Pues lo que era un broma, sobre un juego real, podría transformarse en algo verídico, y es que se a informado que en el próximo Comic Con de USA, se presentará la versión real del juego de cartas.
A continuación del enlace, podréis ver más cartas y tener lo que podrían ser las reglas en inglés.
No se, si creerme la noticia, pero podría ser real, de todas formas, gracias al usuario tximoton de la Bsk, por la información.

 Aquí tenéis más imagenes sobre el juego y una transcripción de las posibles reglas en ingles. Veréis que todo es bastante sencillo, se trata de un filler, bastante light y que puede ser jugador en poco rato.
Veremos en que acaba todo esto, si realmente se trata de algo real o de una gran broma.


The game is best when played with four players (but works ok with a minimum of two and up to six players). Choose a dealer. The dealer deals each player five cards.

In the first phase each player picks a creature from their hand to play and places it face down (If a player has no creatures then they must choose another card to play as a “bluff”). All players reveal their creature at the same time. If all players have “bluffed” except one then that player
automatically wins the round. In that situation skip the second and third phase and go directly to the fourth phase.

In the second phase each player gets a chance to improve or handicap any creature in play with Equipment, Enchantments or one of two “special” cards. In the first round the dealer goes first, in every other round the player that won the last round goes first. After the first player plays an Equipment, Enchantment or special card (or chooses to play nothing) then the player to the right goes next and so on until every player has had a turn.

The third phase is the retaliation phase. In this phase players continue to play Equipment, Enchantment or special cards, following the same turn sequence as the second phase, until everyone chooses to play nothing.

After all of the players have had a turn to play cards then the player with the highest power creature wins the round and receives a point (you can keep track of each players points using dice, coins or glass beads). In the event of a tie the player with the lowest points wins. If the
players who are tied have the same amount of points then nobody wins the round.

In the fourth phase all played cards are moved to the discard pile and every player draws enough cards to have five in their hand. If there are no cards left in the draw deck then shuffle the discard pile and continue playing.

Equipment and Enchantment cards can raise or lower the power of a creature. Each cards description tells you how you can use it.

The two special cards are “Disenchant” and “Dispel”. The Disenchant card removes Equipment cards from play. The Dispel card removes Enchantments from play.

Each play can call a “mulligan” once per game. The player calling a mulligan discards their hand and draws five cards. Mulligans can only be called before the first round starts or after the fourth phase of any round.

The first player to win ten rounds wins the game.

NOTE: If you find that the game ends too fast or drags on forever feel free to adjust the number of rounds needed to be won to win the game.

3 comentarios :

  1. Dios santo, soy friki, pero con la serie ves que el juego es absurdo, y parecido a un juego en el que una carta vence a otra carta. A mi me parecía una parodia divertida de un juego tontorrón y absurdo. Hacerlo real... bueno... si NO es en plan coleccionista... (que lo dudo).

  2. Si lo publicaran como merchandising de la serie y lo vendieran a un precio asequible (un par de $), seguramente sí que acaben vendiendo. Ni que sea para la gente que visita la tienda de recuerdos de CBS y rellena la compra con un sobre de cartas.

    Imagináos que os toca un Sheldon infinito!!!


  3. Ostres!!! Que bo! Si surt, ja tens regal de cumple per mi :D

    Per cert, passa't pel meu blog, no es tan xulo com el teu, pero bueno...
