Talismán, es el remake de un viejo juego de los 80 que tuvo cierta repercusión sobretodo en yankeelandia.
Hace unos años, FFG decidió hacerle un lavado de cara y actualizarlo.
Fruto del éxito, sobretodo en USA, el juego lleva ya un numero de expansiones en sus espaldas.
En España DEVIR, se encargó de traducir y distribuir la versión en Español del juego base.
Al igual que otros productos DEVIR, desconociendo si por motivos económicos o de licencia, no se ha traducido ninguna expansión.
FFG a anunciado la última expansión, "The Dragons", que evidentemente tampoco verá la luz en castellano.
Como seguro que habrá gente interesada en él, aquí tenéis la noticia.
Untold ages hence, a powerful wizard waged an epic battle with the Dragon King who ruled over the Firelands. Unable to slay the Dragon King, the wizard devised a ritual, using his most powerful magic to uproot the Dragon King’s tower, stone by stone, and banished the Dragon Lord into a horrible black void. Free to enter the Valley of Fire, the sacred birthplace of dragonkind, the wizard forged the Crown of Command in its eldritch fires. Now, eons later, the unceasing prayers of the Dragon Cults have been answered. Three of the Draconic Lords have returned.
Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Talisman: The Dragon!
Epic Challenge
Playing with The Dragon expansion, players will encounter even more choices and strategic challenges, including a new, dual-sided Inner Region for their heroes to conquer. The alternate sides allow you to face familiar terrain along a path that requires all new tactics, or to venture into the Dragon Tower, where a hero’s every step meets opposition by the Dragon King’s minions and leads him ever closer to an ultimate confrontation with the Dragon King, himself.
Three new Draconic Lords vie for rulership of the Firelands–Varthrax, Cadorus, and Grilipus. Talisman grows more dangerous as they struggle to claim dominance over their territory and the Crown of Command. The winner shall rule as the new Dragon King, ushering in a new era of flame and danger. Each of the three new Draconic Lords has his own personality and strengths, and each is an awesome opponent.
Any hero who dares confront the Dragon King must be prepared for an epic battle!
Talisman: The Dragon brings to life six new characters to confront the draconic challenges that lie ahead. It also adds over 300 new tokens and cards that expand the Draconic Lords’ influence over the land of Talisman and weave the stories of each Draconic Lord’s quest for control of the Crown of Command. New rules pace the increase of the Draconic Lords’ influence, and the heroes’ quests become more and more dangerous as the draconic influence increases.
Now, for those brave adventurers who seek the Crown of Command, the quest means more than power and influence. It is a race to save the land from the Dragon King’s tyrannical rule. Should the new Dragon King claim his throne and the Crown of Command, the new era of dragonkind will begin, and all living things shall bow before their might!
Look for the new Draconic Lords to invade Talisman in the third quarter of 2011. You can check here for sneak previews and articles with more insight into the expansion’s strategies and stories.
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