Hace algunas semanas, contábamos que FFG, había decidido realizarle un lavado de cara al juego Tannhaüser.
A parte de pulir mecánicas y reglas, han decidido añadirle un nuevo clan al juego, concretamente los Shogunate.
Pues bien, hoy nos muestras imágenes de la que será la primera figura para representar al clan.
Aquí tenéis a Mizu.
She slipped in through the window, and the guard was dead before her feet
touched the floor. She found the key in his breast pocket and dragged his body
to the nearest closet. The key would get her one level deeper. After that, she
would exhaust the information she gleaned during her tour as the Shogunate’s
diplomat. Of course, the challenge of working her way through the castle’s
unrevealed defenses was what exited her most. The rest of the mission was
proving far too easy…

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce
Mizu, an upcoming
single figure expansion for
Officially an “international liason” for the
Mizu Kage prefers to conduct her diplomacy with Willow and Winding Stream, her
deadly sai blades. She has twice saved “the Daimyo” from certain death and three
times taken down misguided Reich soldiers who thought to betray their tentative
alliance with the Shogunate. Most recently, Mizu Kage was charged by the Lord of
Spiritual Wellness Yami Seimei to collect information that the Shogunate’s Reich
allies have been withholding. As she works toward the inevitable completion of
her task, Mizu Kage keeps to the shadows like a whisper of wind through the
night trees.
Water Shadow
With her sai, shuriken, and happo, she can decide to tread a path of blood or
conduct an infiltration, unseen and unheard. As a member of the Shogunate, Mizu
Kage may partner with forces from the Reich, according to the Nippon Accords, or
she may feature in a team made exclusively from Shogunate characters.
Mizu comes complete with a sculpted and painted miniature, character
sheet, tokens for her equipment, and a rulebook with a unique scenario, designed
to pit her team against that of a thief from the Union or the Matriarchy.
Keep your eyes peeled for this
Mizu will slip onto store shelves in the third quarter of 2011.
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