Como ya comentamos hace unos días, poco a tardado AEG, en cargarse de un plumazo todo lo relativo al "viejo" thunderstone y desde hoy mismo, en su pagina web, podremos ver, el diseño de las nuevas cartas y la caja que vendrá con el nuevo ThunderStone Advance.
Parece que en el interior encontraremos 1 tablero de dos caras que representará la aldea.
El comentario final es divertido, dicen que el juego es totalmente compatible con las expansiones antes publicadas, aunque se requiere que no se tengan conocimientos previos de juego, pues parece que este va a variar bastante del anterior.
Thunderstone is a Top 100 game, loved by players worldwide. Now, it’s time to level up your game with Thunderstone Advance.
Thunderstone Advance features all-new art, brand new cards, and completely revised rules, all designed to help games run faster. New mechanics include allied familiars, and villainous Thunderstone Bearers!
And, for the first time, Thunderstone Advance features a storyline, allowing deeper immersion into the game.
Thunderstone Advance contains:
- A Learn to Play booklet to get new players going right away.
- Improved card design and layout for easy play.
- A two-sided game board for smooth setup in the village and the dungeon.
- Familiars join the fight to aid your quest.
- Powerful new Thunderstone Bearers lurk in every dungeon.
- 11 new heroes! 9 new monster groups! 19 new village cards!
Thunderstone Advance is designed to be compatible with existing Thunderstone cards, but requires no previous knowledge to play. Thunderstone Advance is the perfect starting point for new players, and a serious level up for experienced players.
Look for it in March at your local game retailer–call your store today to reserve your copy!
The Agony of Defeat
From a story perspective, I love Thunderstones. I “get” them, as artifacts of evil that our heroes must hunt down, venturing into the darkest dungeons to do so. Only with these Thunderstones do we have a chance to seal the fate of Doom forever.
From a gameplay perspective, however, I’ve been less than thrilled.
A Thunderstone typically pops up in rank 3. Capturing it requires getting it to rank 2 and killing the monster in front of (i.e. “guarding”) it.
Problem is, sometimes that Thunderstone is guarded by a measly Griknack Goblin. Hardly seems fitting for an artifact of such importance, does it? For similar reasons, the 1 VP Thunderstones (added for very good balance reasons) also rub me the wrong way. Killing a grudgebeast is worth more victory than the Stone of Agony? What?
Worse still is when your turn comes around and the Thunderstone is in rank 3. The question becomes, “Do I kill a monster, knowing that this moves the Thunderstone into rank 2, and likely gives it to another player?” I have encountered my fair share of stalled games in this way.
In Thunderstone Advance, we decided to change things up a bit.
I’m Holding This for a Friend
No longer do you trip over a Thunderstone in the dungeon, or luck into defeating a mere kobold or skeleton to retrieve it. Now, Thunderstones are protected by their own type of Guardians. Defeat these Thunderstone Bearers, and the game ends.
Just don’t expect that task to be a walk in the park. These Thunderstone Bearers are some of the most powerful monsters, sorcerers, and nefarious beings you’ve ever faced. We ramped them up to represent the true power that a Thunderstone confers to its guardian.
Often in Thunderstone, your deck continually builds in power until… the game happens to come to an end. Now, there’s a reason for all that power. You will need multiple, powerful heroes to stand a chance against these powerful, cunning foes.
But hurry! For if the Thunderstone Bearer makes it to rank 1, he escapes to rebuilt armies elsewhere. Whether the Thunderstone Bearer is defeated or escapes, the game ends and players tally VPs as before.
It is possible to beat a Thunderstone Bearer and lose the game on points (just like you could collect the Thunderstone and still lose), but these Guardians come equipped with considerable amounts of VP, and more importantly, bragging rights! “Yes, Sir James, you may be the proclaimed Hero of the People… but I’m the one who truly defeated Orseg and saved these lands from ruin!”
So steel your courage, bring your mightiest warriors and your fiercest spells! For if you do not, you have no hope of defeating these Thunderstone Bearers.
And Tala is doomed.
PS: You may notice a mention of “battle effects” on Orseg. Battle effects are still around, and we’ll discuss them further in the near future.
PPS: For a “fun” variant, try this: The player who allows the Thunderstone Bearer to escape is ineligible to win the game. You can even try this variant in current games with Thunderstones–it can back you into some tough corners!
On Monday, we showed you the basic deck, which revealed new frames for Thunderstone Advance. Blue is the color for heroes, green is the color for village cards, and brown the color for special cards such as Thunderstone shards and Curses.
But what about monsters?
Monsters appear in a glorious red! The colors help quickly distinguish between card types in play, removing the need for specific monster/village/hero icons to distinguish between them.
For the color blind, you’ll still find clear distinctions between cards so you don’t have to go on color alone. Monsters have a shield in the upper right corner to denote Health, for instance. We’re waiting to tease out more cards, but take a look at the differences when we reveal them.
We’ll reveal more cards each week leading up to the release in March. Check back soon for another Reveal Cards preview!
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