Otro de los juego que ha levantado mucho HYPE, (como dicen los yankees), es este Rex.
Como ya sabéis se trata de un remake o reborn del clásico juego Dune, pero llevado al universo de Twilight Imperium, creado por los chicos de FFG.
Junto con Wiz-War, creo que son los dos juegos, que con más impaciencia los aficionados están esperando que Edge haga público la intención de traducirlos.
De momento nada de nada, pero hoy FFG nos ofrece las reglas en inglés, para aquellos que no tengan problemas con el idioma y quieran saber de que va todo esto.
Aboveground, even greater dangers lurked. In their region of the city, Sol patrols were to be most feared, but a thousand things could get one killed in the new Mecatol. Gangs of looters that would kill first and steal later. Packs of flying ruvar birds that, driven mad by the poisoned rains and desperate for food, had become feral and savage things. And there was the endless Sol bombings. While the explosions could kill one well enough, they left behind a broken landscape almost as deadly.
– Rex: Final Days of an Empire
– Rex: Final Days of an Empire
A sudden and unexpected attack has left Mecatol Rex, the galactic seat of power, in disarray. Now, the city’s ambitious factions have begun their diplomatic and military maneuvering, each hoping to seize authority when the dust settles. Through negotiation and guile, one great race will decide the fate of the galaxy... but who will it be?
A Guide to Mecatol City
Rex is based on a game system originally designed by Bill Eberle, Jack Kittredge, and Peter Olotka (Cosmic Encounter) and redeveloped for a new audience through the collaborative efforts of Christian T. Petersen (Twilight Imperium, A Game of Thrones: The Board Game), John Goodenough (Tide of Iron), and Corey Konieczka (Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game, Runewars). This engaging game presents players with compelling asymmetrical racial abilities, as well as a myriad of opportunities for diplomacy and deception.
Download the rules today, then head to your local retailer to place your pre-order!
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