Hemos visto de todo, en los promocionales que AEG nos va mostrando periódicamente, sobre las distintas facciones que poblarán el universo Smash Up.
Si hace poco veíamos los geniales marcianos, ahora le toca el turno a los populares, (sobretodo últimamente), Zombies!!!.
No podemos negar, que la pinta que tienen las ilustraciones de las cartas, hacen, por lo menos en mi caso, generar más expectativas y ganas de conocer de una vez por todas, el reglamento del juego.
Ojala no quede todo en un juego simplón y tontorrón.
“Normal broadcast has been suspended, and the Emergency Broadcast System has taken complete control of the airwaves as this situation escalates. Early reports speak of deranged people, in some sort of trance, committing acts of murder. Some scientists are attributing this to a type of mass hysteria. We will try to bring you more information, as it becomes available…”
“When a person dies, you must take them outside and burn them. Set the carcass in the street and burn it. Yes this forgoes the dubious comforts a funeral can provide, but they are no longer your loved ones. They are just dead flesh, and dangerous.”
“Doctor, do these creatures show any sign of personal intelligence?” “No, they show a herd mentality, and care only for feeding. We observed several attacking a barn for hours on end. They must have thought someone was inside.”
“We can now offer a course of action. Civil Defense, in coordination with local law enforcement, has begun to set up local rescue stations. Watch this channel for more information and details of rescue stations in your area.”
“Stop it Johnny, you’re being ignorant.”
Hehe, had to get that one in there. As you can see the zombies are all about recycling. They’re quite green! *rimshot*
Join us next week for more cannibalicious zombie action!
All corpses dug up and reanimated by Dave Allsop.
Grave Digger

“Even given the depth of our situation, we are lucky that the reanimation is confined to the unburied dead…”
Zombie Lord

“There’s something out there. That… that witch in the cellar is only part of it. It lives… out in those woods, in the dark… something… something that’s come back from the dead.”
Not Enough Bullets

“We don’t have enough ammunition to shoot them all in the head. The time to have done that would have been in the beginning. No, we let them overrun us. We are in the minority now, something like 400,000 to one by my calculation.”

“Admit it. You only came back to Atlanta for the hat.”
“We’re back on the air after a short interruption. We have word that citizens will no longer be allowed to occupy private residences. National Defense will move all surviving citizens to protected locations for the remainder of this situation.”
“Even given the depth of our situation, we are lucky that the reanimation is confined to the unburied dead…”
“There’s something out there. That… that witch in the cellar is only part of it. It lives… out in those woods, in the dark… something… something that’s come back from the dead.”
“We don’t have enough ammunition to shoot them all in the head. The time to have done that would have been in the beginning. No, we let them overrun us. We are in the minority now, something like 400,000 to one by my calculation.”
“Admit it. You only came back to Atlanta for the hat.”
And with that we’ve finished our first whole round of faction previews for Smash Up! Next week we’ll be back with the PDF of the rulebook, and a designer diary from Paul Peterson.
All corpses dug up and reanimated by Dave Allsop.
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