Los chicos de Ares, han conseguido la financiación necesaria para su nuevo juego de combates tácticos ambientado en la época de Napoleón, Sails of Glory.
Este intenta emular el mismo sistema, que ya funcionó con Wings of War, conocido ahora como Wings of Glory.
Parece que el sistema es el mismo, pero con barquitos de principios del siglo XIX.
Interesante, pero estoy un poco saturado ya, de este estilo de juegos con X.Wing
Sails of Glory is an "Age of Sail" tactical ship-to-ship miniature game, inspired by the best-selling Wings of Glory system.
Unfurl the Sails!
Ares Games is the publisher of the “WW1 Wings of Glory” and "WW2 Wings of Glory" aerial combat games, created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia.
After successfully publishing these two games in 2012, we're now ready to launch our next game and miniature line, Sails of Glory, and we've decided to fund this new project using Kickstarter.
The mechanics of Sails of Glory are inspired by the excellent "maneuver deck" system used in Wings of Glory. For a long time, we've been discussing with the authors about the possibilities of the system, and how to develop it beyond its use in Wings. Then, we realized how well it could be adapted to naval wargaming, and the idea of Sails of Glorywas born. We also realized that assembled and painted ship models to use in a miniature game do not exist on the market - and we wondered how much more accessible naval gaming would become if we were able to create beautiful small ships, ready to play out of the box.
That was our starting point, back in 2011. Since then, the game system of Sails of Gloryhas been carefully designed to accurately represent battles at sea between the large sailing ships of the past centuries. And just like we did for Wings of Glory, we engineered the production of fully assembled and painted ship figures, highly detailed, to use as "playing pieces" for the game.
The first series of Sails of Glory, which we are funding with this project, will be set in the Napoleonic Age, an iconic period for naval wargaming. Who has not heard of Nelson, Trafalgar, Abukir, and HMS Victory?
If the game is successful, in the future we plan to extend Sails of Glory to cover other historical periods and conflicts, such as the Age of Discovery, the Middle Ages and ancient times.
Check out Ares' Facebook page and the Sails of Glory Facebook page to be always up-to-date with information about us and our projects. Visit the Sails of Glory page on Ares' website for additional articles and information about the game.
You may connect with the Sails of Glory community on the forum created by our enthusiastic supporter Keith Upton, the Sails of Glory Anchorage.
More about the game
Created by Andrea Angiolino and Andrea Mainini, Sails of Glory merges miniatures, cards and board game mechanics, using the same intuitive system of Wings of Glory, which features a special deck of maneuver cards to represent the different movement capabilities of each model.
The game will be supported by a range of painted and assembled 1/1000 miniatures.
In Sails of Glory, each ship is represented by a fully painted and assembled ship model, mounted on a special game base. The base provides at a glance information on the ship's offensive and sailing capabilities.
Each ship is controlled using a specific maneuver deck. The maneuver deck enables each player to plot and execute the movement of the ship easily, taking into account its sails and the position to the wind, in a simple but realistic way.
The ship log (game board) included with each ship shows at a glance its combat stats, the abilities of its crew, and the actions that you plan. It also provide a simple way to track damage for the ship and to see how the abilities of the ship are affected by the damage.
The beauty of the Sails of Glory system is that at the same time it is simple to play and a very good simulation. This is possible due to its "hidden complexity" - the combination of ship base, maneuver deck and ship log provides all the realism and details that fans of wargaming may desire, while keeping the the game rules very simple, and gameplay fun and exciting at all times.
Pledges and Rewards
The rewards we are offering to our backers are based on the initial release we have been preparing for the Sails of Glory line. Pre-production is 95% complete on this initial release, and we expect to start mass-production in April, as soon as the Kickstarter ends, for a delivery to our backers in late July.
The initial release will include:
- the Sails of Glory Starter Set;
- 12 different Ship Packs: four Kickstarter-exclusive models, and eight models which will be available to anybody after the Kickstarter ends, for a total of 12 Ship Packs.
Our ship models are accurately designed to depict historical ships, from a visual point of view as well as taking in consideration their sailing and combat capabilities.
Our backers on Kickstarter will also have access to four of the ship models, which will not be included in the initial release of the game: the French frigate La Concorde, the French ship-of-the-line Fougueux, the British frigate HMS Juno, and the British ship-of-the-lineHMS Bellerophon.
Important notice for Canadian backers: the cost of shipping to Canada is not the same as other International shipments. See the FAQ below for the specifics.
In addition to the pledges and reward shown in the column to the right, the following options are now available, thanks to the stretch goals that have been unlocked:
- HMS Victory Option - You may add $ 20 to your pledge (Canadian backers add $ 23, International backers add $ 28 to include freight) to request the HMS Victory option. This option is expected to ship in January, 2014.
- USS Constitution Option - You may add $ 20 to your pledge (Canadian backers, add $ 23, International backers add $ 28 to include freight) to request the USS Constitution option. This option is expected to ship in January, 2014.
- HMS Victory + USS Constitution Combo Option - If you request both the Victory and the Constitution, shipping charges are only due once. So US backers may add $ 40, Canadian backers $ 43, International backers add $ 48 to include both ships with their rewards. This option is expected to ship in January, 2014.
We appreciate you sending a message through Kickstarter to us specifying the options you subscribe, to help us keep track of the requests (all backers will be contacted at the end of the survey to reconcile pledges and rewards).
The Sails of Glory Starter Set
We designed the Sails of Glory Starter Set as an all-in-one starting point to begin playing. Four fully painted and assembled ships are included:
- Le Courageuse 1778 Concorde class French frigate;
- Le Genereux 1785 Temeraire class French ship-of-the-line;
- HMS Terpsichore 1785 Amazon class British frigate;
- HMS Defence 1763 Bellona class British ship-of-the line.
Each of these ship is complemented by a special gaming base, a maneuver deck, and a ship log to keep track of damage, combat capabilities, and actions.
The full-color rulebook will give you simple Basic rules, to begin playing minutes after opening the box. Also included are Standard, Advanced, Optional Rules, for those players who desire a more realistic (but still fast-paced) naval game.
An extensive set of counters and tokens are provided, die-cut on thick cardboard and full color, to assign and keep track of damages, to handle the crew actions, to record the ship status on the ship log. Also included in our basic set will be some basic terrain elements (rocks, small islands) to make your battlefield more interesting.
The medium suggested retail price of the Starter Set after the Kickstarter will be $ 90.
The game box feature amazing art by Cornish artist Donald MacLeod. All the interior art and the study of the ship colors have been developed by Italian artist Francesco Mattioli.
The Sails of Glory Ship Models
Each of our ships is not "just" a beautiful, fully painted and assembled miniature in 1/1000 scale - it is a complete mini-expansion, with its own special game base, maneuver deck and ship log.
The ships in the initial release are based on 4 different ship models: Concorde Class frigates (French), Amazon Class frigates (British), Temeraire class ships-of-the-line (French), and 74-guns British ships-of-the-line (of various classes).
For these 4 ship models, we created 4 different variants, easy to tell apart due to the different color scheme used to paint them.
One variant of each different ship will be included in the Starter Set; one will exclusively be available to our backers on Kickstarter; the other two will be available for separate purchase as Ship Packs.
Ships were often captured a lot by the enemy in this period - so to make things a little more interesting, one of the two variants included in the Ship Packs will be a captured version, that can be used by the opposite navy.
A full list of the ships included in the first release can be found HERE.
The medium suggested retail price of Ship Packs after the Kickstarter will be $ 20.
Future Sails of Glory releases
We have a lot of ideas to expand Sails of Glory beyond this initial release, and we already start to work to make some of those ideas a reality!
Our plans include items such as:
- a full-colour game mat - similar to the acclaimed game mats we created for Wings of Glory;
- an expansion with terrain elements, such as islands, sand banks, coastal forts, and rules and scenarios to use them;
- new ships! The largest ships-of-the-line, with 3 decks and 100+ guns, as well as small sloops, frigates and more;
- rules and ships for additional conflicts and historical settings, starting with the War of 1812 between the young United States and the powerful British Empire.
We need your help and your backing to this project to turn all of these ideas into reality.
Stretch Goals
Ares is fully committed to make Sails of Glory a reality, and even at the initial level of funding, we will be able to deliver an amazing game and high-quality models. But if we reach beyond this goal, there's much more that we can do, and we can add special rewards to our backers.
Here are some of our initial stretch goals:
- at $ 50,000 we will be able to fully fund the "shipyard" to create the HMS Victory, fully painted and assembled in 1/1000 scale, and offer it as a $20 option for all pledge levels
THE HMS VICTORY STRETCH GOAL IS NOW ACHIEVED! To request this option, you may add $ 20 to your pledge (Canadian backers add $ 23, International backers add $ 28 to cover shipping costs). This option will ship in January, 2014.
- at $ 75,000 we will be able to fully fund the "shipyard" to create the USS Constitution, fully painted and assembled in 1/1000 scale, and offer it as a $20 option for all pledge levels;
THE USS CONSTITUTION STRETCH GOAL IS NOW ACHIEVED! To request this option, add $ 20 to your pledge (Canadian backers add $ 23, International backers add $ 28 to cover shipping costs - These extra charges do not apply if you also request the HMS Victory option). This option will ship in January, 2014.
- at $ 100,000 we will be able to fully fund the design and production of the Sails of Glory Game Mat. We will offer the game mat as a $20 option ($30 outside of the USA) to all pledge levels up to Lieutenant, and we will offer it FREE OF CHARGE to all pledge levels from Captain up.
- at $ 110,000 we will be able to fully fund the design and production of the Sails of Glory laser-cut, wooden version of the Attitude Indicator (that's the nice compass-like device you see in our gameplay photo). The wooden Attitude Indicator is FREE OF CHARGE to all pledge levels from Mate up, and is available as a $ 5 option together with any reward level (or if you want more than one).
We will unlock further stretch goals as the project goes on!
Why Kickstarter?
The Starter Set and the initial release of Ship Packs of Sails of Glory are well ahead in the production process. If the game is already ready to go into production, why do we need a Kickstarter?
We already have plans for a long series of Sails of Glory releases, but a project like this one requires a long-range financial commitment to develop properly. Projects, prototypes and production tools must be created months in advance of actual production. They require significant investments, and the success of this Kickstarter will allow Ares Games to properly fund all the future developments of this product line.
The funding of this project will allow us to create a steady flow of expansions, new ships, and accessories. The higher the funding, the more we can invest to make the product line develop quickly.
An additional benefit of launching Sails of Glory as a Kickstarter project is that it will provide us with valuable feedback from you, our backers, to help us direct the future development of the line.
Our backers will be the first ones to receive the game, weeks before its release in stores, and will be the only ones to initially have access to four of the ship models. Depending on the success of our project, and the stretch goals we achieve, we may be able to offer more exclusive rewards to our backers.
Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
Creating a game with painted and assembled miniatures is not an easy challenge, and Ares Games is the first company to launch a game with fully assembled and painted miniature ships. However, we are an experienced publisher of board and miniature games, and our staff already has a significant experience in producing games with ready-to-play miniatures, such as our popular Wings of Glory product range.
The main risk at this stage is that the project might be delayed with respect
to its scheduled date, if this should become necessary to ensure the level of quality we are looking for in our games in general, and in this product specifically,
to its scheduled date, if this should become necessary to ensure the level of quality we are looking for in our games in general, and in this product specifically,
There are also risks of delays, as with any game product with Asia-based manufacturing, associated to transport and delivery to our warehouse in the United States. These are also routinely handled by our logistic staff, but unexpected delays due to customs clearance, strikes, exceptional weather are always possible, and they may influence the time necessary to deliver the games to our customers.
Our main challenge is to make sure that the quality of the ship models matches the expectation of our customers, which is based on the very high standard set by our own Wings of Glory miniature game.
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