Después de un intento fallido, para llevar este excelente juego a nuestros ordenadores, ahora se inicia un proyecto de crowdfounding para llevar Dungeon Twister a nuestros dispositivos móviles, tanto para IOs, como Android.
Creo que se trata de una buena idea, y seguramente el cambio de soporte, le favorecerá.
DUNGEON TWISTER, the board game: more than 130 000 boxes sold!
Dungeon Twister is a 2-player boardgame. You control a team of 8 adventurers and magical creatures. Your goal? Escape the labyrinth and kill creatures on your way out!
You want to cut paladins into pieces, burn trolls, hunt goblins from your couch?
And you want to do it with a calculating and evil mind (and not relying on throwing dices to do so)?
Back this project to receive exclusive rewards!
And you want to do it with a calculating and evil mind (and not relying on throwing dices to do so)?
Back this project to receive exclusive rewards!

Dungeon Twister App will be published on App Store and Google Play thanks to you!
Our very motivated team of 10 people will adapt the marvelous Dungeon Twister board game on tablets and smartphones, iOS and Android before the end of the year.
Christophe Boelinger, the board game designer is very supportive and help us to provide you the best adaptation.
Christophe Boelinger, the board game designer is very supportive and help us to provide you the best adaptation.

The world is divided into two categories: those who die and those who run...
In Dungeon Twister, each player controls a team adventurers that has been teleported against its will into a mechanical labyrinth that is packed with traps and pitfalls.
The team is made of 8 characters and 6 objects. The board is composed of 8 independent square rooms that are able to rotate. So the labyrinth can change at any moment!

Dungeon Twister board game review
The object of the game is to score 5 victory points (VP’s). 1 VP is scored when you kill an enemy character or when you manage to get one of your characters out of the dungeon through your opponent's starting zone.
At the beginning of the game, you have 14 cards in hand: 9 Combat cards, 3 Jump cards and 4 Action cards.
When it’s your turn, you choose an Action card from your hand and carry out as many actions as indicated on the chosen card (from 2 to 5).
Standard actions are:
- Reveal a room
- Rotate a room
- Move a character
- Combat
- Use a character’s special ability
- Reveal a room
- Rotate a room
- Move a character
- Combat
- Use a character’s special ability

Players always choose which card they will play: whether they are Combat or Action cards, the one they pick is entirely up to them. The player is constantly confronted with choices about which card to play, which character to move, which item to get, start a combat or use of his special power. Only the initial positioning of the rooms hold a few surprises.
Each game is totally unique, and no two games will be alike.
Tactics, strategy, analysis, choice, bluffing, intuition, frustration, a “Rubik’s Cube” vibe and total control of your emotions are the skills you’ll need and the high points of this game. Close your eyes, let your imagination wander and you will discover the amazing new dimension you and your team of adventurers will enter.
Dungeon Twister Prison board game review

Caution: Rewards include characters and items from Dungeon Twister expansions. These characters and items will not be available in the "in app" store until these expansions will have been published.
If Dungeon Twister App gets enough downloads, we will program them and make them available in the "in app" store. If Dungeon Twister App does not meet expected success, these expansions will not be programmed. So the only way to use these characters and items for sure is to back this project now ;-).
If Dungeon Twister App gets enough downloads, we will program them and make them available in the "in app" store. If Dungeon Twister App does not meet expected success, these expansions will not be programmed. So the only way to use these characters and items for sure is to back this project now ;-).
Back the project and get one of the amazing rewards below!

We would love to give these extra goodies if we overfund!
The first stretch goal unlocks as soon as we reach 7500 €:
- The 8 rooms of Expansion #2 – 3/4 Players
- The 8 rooms of Expansion #2 – 3/4 Players

Others stretch goals coming soon...

The ultimate goal of the project is to adapt on iOS and Android tablets and smartphones the complete Dungeon Twister original saga.
If many people like it we will also adapt:
- Expansion #1 - Paladins & Dragons
- Expansion #2 - 3/4 Players (⇒ Maps will be released as the first stretch goal reward)
- Expansion #3 - Water & Fire
- Expansion #4 - Forces of Darkness
- Expansion #5 - Mercenaries
- Expansion #6 - Fire and Blood
- Expansion #7 - Sylvan creatures
- Expansion #8 - Ice Age
- Expansion #9 - Prison
And why not the 3-4 players mode or new expansions 100% digitals…
- Expansion #1 - Paladins & Dragons
- Expansion #2 - 3/4 Players (⇒ Maps will be released as the first stretch goal reward)
- Expansion #3 - Water & Fire
- Expansion #4 - Forces of Darkness
- Expansion #5 - Mercenaries
- Expansion #6 - Fire and Blood
- Expansion #7 - Sylvan creatures
- Expansion #8 - Ice Age
- Expansion #9 - Prison
And why not the 3-4 players mode or new expansions 100% digitals…

Official web site:
Dungeon Twister internationa leaguel:
Board Game Geek:
Article on BGG :
SciFi Universe:
Para qué es la financiación
To achieve this project we need 30 000 €.
9 000 €: Administrative costs (Unity, iOS, startup creation costs, insurance, Ulule, VAT…)
21 000 €: Programming, design, sounds & music, communication, copyright
9 000 €: Administrative costs (Unity, iOS, startup creation costs, insurance, Ulule, VAT…)
21 000 €: Programming, design, sounds & music, communication, copyright
I will put all my savings in this startup adventure: 10 000 €
I already have my first investor: 10 000 €
I am negotiating with to other investors: 2 000 € & 3 000 €
I already have my first investor: 10 000 €
I am negotiating with to other investors: 2 000 € & 3 000 €
So I only need to find 5 000 € that’s why I need you!
Sobre el creador de proyecto
Project owner: Alexis Diakonoff
Unconditional fan of Dungeon Twister and board games in general, inveterate optimist and dynamic. He is also a big fan of Dungeon Keeper 1 and StarCraft 1 which desperate his wife who prefers ballets and exhibitions.
He would like to offer you many hours of fun and strategic calculation with Dungeon Twister App!
Unconditional fan of Dungeon Twister and board games in general, inveterate optimist and dynamic. He is also a big fan of Dungeon Keeper 1 and StarCraft 1 which desperate his wife who prefers ballets and exhibitions.
He would like to offer you many hours of fun and strategic calculation with Dungeon Twister App!
Programmer (game engine): Romain Soual
He always has new ideas and is a very dynamic guy too. Passionate about game design and role playing games, this free mind is an adept of co working and he is astonishing in his ability to connect with people!
He always has new ideas and is a very dynamic guy too. Passionate about game design and role playing games, this free mind is an adept of co working and he is astonishing in his ability to connect with people!
Programmer (artificial intelligence): Xender
Hum metal, he likes... but he loves equations and high level mathematics. Our PhD always astonishes us with the simplice way he sets up very complex problems!
Hum metal, he likes... but he loves equations and high level mathematics. Our PhD always astonishes us with the simplice way he sets up very complex problems!
Tech. Advisor: Fred
An experience of 20 years in the video game industry and the wisdom in addition to that. He is able to clearly teach many things from programmers' world to anyone!
An experience of 20 years in the video game industry and the wisdom in addition to that. He is able to clearly teach many things from programmers' world to anyone!
Sound designer (sounds): Emmanuel Jarrige
This fan of vinyl is very creative. He likes electro pop and deep techno. His capacity not only to suggest but also to describe sounds with words is amazing!
This fan of vinyl is very creative. He likes electro pop and deep techno. His capacity not only to suggest but also to describe sounds with words is amazing!
Composer (music): Pierre Moussette
This musician, guitarist, singer and pianist, is fan of electro-acoustic and WOW. He perfectly handles the atmosphere of heroic fantasy graphic design.
This musician, guitarist, singer and pianist, is fan of electro-acoustic and WOW. He perfectly handles the atmosphere of heroic fantasy graphic design.
Graphic designer: Sandrine Malus
Fan of video games and concept art, she likes unicorns and dark and apocalyptic universes!
Fan of video games and concept art, she likes unicorns and dark and apocalyptic universes!
Community manager: Thierry Hauducoeur
Fan of video games, jpop and metal, our community manager is still a good guy!
Fan of video games, jpop and metal, our community manager is still a good guy!
Film editor: Sarah Sitruk
Always in a good mood and workaholic, she likes to watch movies on the wall of her living room. She cannot leave any detail at random!
Always in a good mood and workaholic, she likes to watch movies on the wall of her living room. She cannot leave any detail at random!
Twister expert: Pascal Bondon
Dungeon Twister addict from the very beginning. Founder of the Dungeon Twister community website, and then of the “Ligue Internationale de Dungeon Twister”, he will do his best for Dungeon Twister App to be as fun as the original board game!
Dungeon Twister addict from the very beginning. Founder of the Dungeon Twister community website, and then of the “Ligue Internationale de Dungeon Twister”, he will do his best for Dungeon Twister App to be as fun as the original board game!
Game inventor: Christophe Boelinger
A comic book and super hero fan since infancy, Chris to this day has a gigantic collection of US comics (Marvel, Strange, etc.). He communicate his energy to everyone he meets!
A comic book and super hero fan since infancy, Chris to this day has a gigantic collection of US comics (Marvel, Strange, etc.). He communicate his energy to everyone he meets!
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