Si hace pocas semanas, comentábamos la salida de DragonSpire como la nueva mega expansión/reinicio, para el juego Thunderstone.
Ahora van los chicos de AEG y se sueltan con el anuncio de otra expansión, esta más pequeñita, para el deckbuilder que más le va ha la zaga a Dominion.
En esta expansión, encontraremos 7 nuevos héroes, 14 nuevas cartas de aldea, 5 nuevos grupos de monstruos, además de tokens, separadores para nuestras cajas y el lógico reglamento.
Ha todo esto, Edge sigue sin pronunciarse si editará al castellano alguna de estas expansiones...
February 22nd, 2011 | Category: Featured Posts

Deep in the heart of Thornwood Forest lies the Stone of Blight, one of the Thunderstones desperately needed for the salvation of the world. With the forces of Doom ravaging the lands, time is growing short. When brought together, the Stones have enough power to cast him out of the world- but every stone must be captured if the heroes hope to succeed!
The heroes are now gathered in Wulfburg at the border of the forest, prepared to brave the dangers of the wood and seek out the Thunderstone, but there is a problem: not only is the Stone fiercely guarded by Doom’s minions, they are attacking the town.
You must break the siege!
This expansion to Thunderstone introduces new monsters such as the Raiders and Siege Engines which bring the battle to you! These monsters can destroy cards in the village, kill heroes not yet hired, and even hurt you on turns when you are avoiding the dungeon!
Will you survive to claim the Thunderstone?
Seven New Heroes
Fourteen New Village Cards
Five New Monster Groups
Special Tokens
Card Dividers
Fourteen New Village Cards
Five New Monster Groups
Special Tokens
Card Dividers
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