25 junio 2011

Primera expansión, previa reserva, para Mansions of Madness

Estaba escrito, que Mansions of Madness, seria el inicio de una inacabable saga de expansiones.
Pues casi unos pocos meses de su aparición en yankeelandia, ya tenemos la primera expansión.
Curiosamente al igual que sucediera con Space Hulk, Death Angel, se trata de una expansión, previo pago o previa reserva.
Es decir, no la podremos encontrar en tiendas, sino que tiene que comprarse directamente a FFG, quien la imprimirá exclusivamente tras el pago y nos la enviará.
Curioso método, esperamos que Edge, siga el camino y nos la pueda ofrecer traducida.
En todo caso, aquí tenemos Season of the Witch, la primera expansión para Mansions of Madness.

He was in the changeless, legend-haunted city of Arkham, with its clustering gambrel roofs that sway and sag over attics where witches hid from the King's men in the dark, olden years of the Province. Nor was any spot in that city more steeped in macabre memory than the gable room which harboured him - for it was this house and this room which had likewise harboured old Keziah Mason, whose flight from Salem Gaol at the last no one was ever able to explain.
      –H.P. Lovecraft, Dreams in the Witch House
A bright young Miskatonic University student has disappeared, having checked in to an infamous Arkham boarding house to study its reported supernatural properties. Now, as the celebration of Walpurgis Eve approaches, you and your fellow investigators are tasked with venturing into the decaying Witch House and solving a mystery that has plagued Arkham for generations. But are you prepared to face the horrors that await you?
Season of the Witch, a Print on Demand story expansion for Mansions of Madness, is now available through our webstore! Designed by Richard Launius (Arkham Horror, Elder Sign), Season of the Witch is a single-scenario expansion that sends players on a tense and terrifying race against the clock. Can you solve the mysteries of the Witch House before they consume Arkham forever?
What is Print on Demand?
Debuted back in March with our announcement of expansions for Space Hulk – Death Angel: The Card Game, Print on Demand is an exciting new process that allows Fantasy Flight Games to produce professionally finished cards on a made-to-order basis, which opens up new opportunities for expanding existing games.
This process (not to be confused with Print and Play), results in smaller print runs of professionally manufactured products, allowing publishers to provide fans with content that would otherwise not be commercially viable. If you’re a retailer interested in carrying our Print on Demand products, visit our Professional Zone website to learn more.
No stranger to the horrors of Arkham...
Season of the Witch is an engrossing story expansion from the mind of celebrated game designer Richard Launius, whose other Lovecraft-inspired titles (as well as his many non-FFG publications) have cemented his reputation in the hobby games industry. Mr. Launius agreed to share a few words on this exciting story:
The opportunity to write an adventure for Mansions of Madness enabled me to focus on a game setting from one of my favorite H.P. Lovecraft stories, Dreams in the Witch House, and this is the main premise for The Season of the Witch. While having a good base story is essential, I think it is even more essential to ensure that players havecompelling mystery. So rather than just recreate Dreams in the Witch House in game form, I took another Lovecraft tale (one that will remain nameless here) and entwined the two (as well as a few twists of my own) to create Season of the Witch.
The setting is one that I love – the Old Witch House and the strange events that have recently been occurring within. I believe players will enjoy Season of the Witch as there are a lot of new things going on: the flash of the witch light, a missing young mathematician, the hideous appearance of the rat-like familiar Brown Jenkin, and a mystery that must be solved before the Walpurgis ceremonies are completed.
Hopefully all of the players will feel the story come to life as they sense the evil presence of the Witch House and the ancient witch that built it, Keziah Mason. In the meantime, all I can say is that something terrifying may be hidden beyond the rat-infested walls of the old boarding house. Something sinister that haunts those that enter and threatens to steal their very souls. Who can say what horrors the loathsome mark of the witch may bring to the poor unfortunate investigators that brave the shrouded mysteries of the Witch House?
Your first clue is near
This exciting story expansion is available for order now, so visit our Season of the Witch website to learn more, then head to our webstore and be among the first the explore the terrifying mysteries of the Witch House!
Note: Due to variations in the printing process, cards from Print on Demand expansions will be subtly different in appearance and texture from base game cards. For this reason, any necessary base game cards (such as “nothing of interest” Exploration cards) are reprinted in each expansion, to retain a consistent appearance when shuffled.

Mansions of Madness is a macabre game of horror, insanity, and mystery for two to five players. Based on the beloved fiction of H.P. Lovecraft, Mansions of Madness tells a story in which one player takes on the role of the keeper, a malevolent force working to complete a sinister plot, and all other players take on the roles of investigators, the unlikely heroes who gather to oppose him.

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