24 marzo 2013

Smallworld 2 dará el salto a dispositivos Android y Pc.

Estaba escrito, el evidente auge del mercado de móviles y tablets con sistema Android (quien ya controla un 70% de los terminales del mundo), no podía pasar desapercibido a compañías  que inicialmente era reticentes. Este es el caso de Days of Wonder, quien ha decidido iniciar una campaña kickstarter, para llevar Smallworld 2, no solo a dispositivos Apple, sino también Android y Pc.
Sin lugar a dudas una excelente noticia, este cambio de política de la compañía  quien no olvidemos, dijo que no pensaba sacar sus productos en Android, por la complejidad de programar para múltiples dispositivos.

Small World 2 Kickstarter – The Return

Rewards for everyone – iPad, PC, Android and Kindle Fire tablet owners… and board game players too!
As the very first board game available the day the iPad launched, Small World pioneered a whole new world of board games on tablets. It earned critical acclaim and hordes of devoted players, but aside from a few mini-expansions, barely changed since its launch. But for the past year our development team in Paris has been working on a “from-the-ground-up” rewrite of the game; and Small World 2 – a brand new version with 3-5 player maps, asynchronous online play, the Be Not Afraid expansion and more – will be available on the iPad later this summer.

Whenever we mention iPad, we get comments along the lines of, “Android! Android! And what about my PC?!” Well, our new Small World 2 Kickstarter campaign is your chance to make this happen. If we reach our $150,000 goal, we will release Small World 2 on Android and Kindle Fire tablets, and onto Steam PCs, all within the next 12 months.
To encourage everyone – not just Android tablet and PC users – to pledge in this campaign, we’ve come up with rewards of interest to all players of Small World, both the digital and cardboard version. Philippe Keyaerts, the author of the game, has created new Races and Special Powers specially for Kickstarter backers and devised a new super-sized, 6 player cardboard map of Small World and Small World Underground.

Our Art and Production departments have also been busy laying out a Pocket Encyclopedia of Small World; printing a new Small World t-shirt; and putting the finishing touches on a spare-no-expense, deluxe Designer Edition of Small World – signed by the author and engraved with your name!
So if you love Small World, in any shape or any platform, come visit our Kickstarter page, watch the video and pledge your money on some of the coolest rewards we’ve ever designed for a game.

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