Si hay un juego que ha creado mucho HYPE, entre los seguidores de los juegos de mesa basados en los mitos de Cthulhu y aficionados al Arkham Horror, este és sin lugar a dudas "Las Mansiones de la Locura". Hoy FFG, nos ofrece un video de presentación del que está llamado a ser el sucesor del gran Arkham Horror, tanto en terror cósmico Lovecraftiano, como en número de expansiones que seguro producirá.
Mansions of Madness, the upcoming board game of horror and investigation for 2-5 players, will be in your hands soon. So far we have seen how the story is constructed, how the investigators are equipped, what the investigators can do on their turn, the terrible workings of the keeper, how to tackle puzzles, and how to fight your enemies.
Now it’s time to open the doors even wider and peer into Mansions of Madness as Fantasy Flight Games takes you on a video tour of this eagerly anticipated game. Click the image below or visit the support page to witness the excitement and terror that await...
Click above to view the video.
You can also see it on YouTube, iTunes (HD), and the FFG Media Player.
Be prepared for more startling leads on Mansions of Madness, coming soon.
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