Ya hace varias semanas que informamos de la que será la primera expansión para el juego de mesa Warhammer Chaos in The Old World.
Esta expansión lleva por título, "The Hornet Rat", y que se sepa, Edge todavía no ha informado si piensa publicar su traducción, para los poseedores de su versión en castellano.
De momento y hasta nuevas ordenes, tenéis disponibles las reglas en inglés, cortesía de FFG.
Even as verminous hordes of vile Skaven enter the fight for supremacy of the Old World, all hope is not lost. Countless men and women struggle daily against the forces of Chaos, and a chosen few even rise as heroes to combat its agents directly. Moreover, the mysterious winds of fate may take a hand in foiling the plans of the dark gods, bringing welcome relief to the beleaguered inhabitants of the Empire. With luck and tenacity, the masses might stymy the will of the Ruinous Powers altogether, earning a well-deserved, if temporary, respite.
Prepare yourself for the coming conflict; the rules for The Horned Rat (pdf, 348 KB) are now available on the support page. In addition, keep reading for a sneak peek at the new Expert Old World Cards, an optional variant that adds new challenges to the struggle for supremacy!
Realm of Chaos
Players looking to increase the challenge of dominating the Old World can use the new “Expert-level Old World” cards in one of two ways. First, you might simply shuffle these nine cards into your existing supply of 28 Old World cards, then draw your game’s Old World deck as usual (the card backs are identical to ensure randomization). This will result in few, if any, Expert-level Old World cards entering a given game.
The second option, called the Realm of Chaos Variant, will tests the limits of your sanity as a constant barrage of brutal game-changing events are drawn each and every turn. In this variant, the Old World deck is built exclusively of Expert-level cards, resulting in an experience in which the Old World will quite likely stand victorious over the players!
Visit your favorite retailer to place your pre-order today, and keep checking back for more on The Horned Rat!
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