Sabemos, que últimamente los chicos de FFG, se están especializando en recuperar y rediseñar viejos juegos, que tuvieron más o menos éxito durante los años 80.
Uno de estos juegos, es Merchant of Venus, que ademas ha venido acompañado de cierta polémica con el tema de los derechos.
Al margen de todo esto, ahora FFG, nos muestra las primeras imágenes de las cartas y tablero, para que los interesados empecéis a babear.
De momento no hay noticias de la intención de publicarlo en castellano.
In the fall of 2011, both Fantasy Flight Games and Stronghold Games announced separate plans to re-publishMerchant of Venus, the exciting game of interstellar trade and exploration. Now, we are pleased to offer an update: a favorable resolution has been reached regarding the publication of this beloved game! Today, both publishers jointly announced that FFG will proceed to publish its new edition of Merchant of Venus, while Stronghold's version of the game will be cancelled. Stronghold will act as a consultant on FFG’s version of the game, bringing some of their creative vision to the final release.
Ultimately, a Win-Win
“While this was an unfortunate situation for all parties, everyone is a winner in the end,” said Stephen M. Buonocore, President of Stronghold Games. “Fantasy Flight Games and Stronghold Games have forged a great bond that will last long after this event. In the face of crisis, Christian Petersen was a true leader who worked tirelessly to resolve the matter, and I am very thankful to him for that. The WOTC team was also instrumental in getting this done smoothly, and they too should be lauded. And above all, gamers worldwide are the biggest winners, since they will have this great game back in print, published by a great company, Fantasy Flight Games."
Fire Up Your Engines
FFG's new version of Merchant of Venus will arrive at stores in fall 2012, and will feature both the classic game design by Richard Hamblen and an updated game inspired by the original, and designed by FFG’s Rob Kouba. Stronghold Games is in discussion with Richard Hamblen with regard to other game designs, both old and new ones, which they hope to publish in 2013.
Check back in the weeks leading up to the release of Merchant of Venus, when our series of detailed previews will take a closer look at its engaging mechanics and compelling gameplay options. Until then, learn more on our description page, and prepare to claim the galaxy's profits this fall!
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