Sky traders, uno de los nuevos juegos de FFG, que más se aproxima, a los llamados EuroGames, ya esta disponible para su compra.
No parece, que se haya que tener un nivel elevado del idioma para jugarlo.
En todo caso, Edge, tampoco ha anunciado su intención de publicarlo en nuestro país, y por la repercusión del propio juego, es posible que no lo haga.
De todas formas, nunca se sabe.
Behind closed doors, members of the Sky Guild meet to debate and set market prices. At the pounding of the opening gavel, sky traders hastily barter with their peers, hoping to strike a deal that makes them richer and more powerful.
Command your own skyship and become a master merchant in Sky Traders! This high-flying board game of commerce and intrigue for two to five players is now available at your local retailer and on our webstore.
Evade ruthless pirates as you collect influence with the powerful Sky Guild, and manipulate the commodity market using your powers of persuasion. Through clever trades and resourceful captaining, you can seize the title of Master of the Sky Guild!
The Sky’s the Limit
The advent of flying ships has revolutionized the trading industry. After a string of inventions made it possible for entrepreneurs to build and maintain skyships with only a modest amount of capital, it became obvious that sky traders needed a guild to oversee their endeavors. The Sky Guild controls commodity prices and raises or lowers them based on their own secret agenda. However, Wind Pirates still threaten the sky trade, and a healthy black market has developed around the Grog trade.
Grease a few palms and watch as the goods in your cargo hold surge in value, make a steady return by hauling sludge, or live on the edge of the law by dealing Black Market grog. The winds of trade are blowing; how will you make your fortune? Fly to your local retailer and grab your copy of Sky Traders today!
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