FFG nos tiene acostumbrados últimamente a proporcionarnos noticias sobre reediciones o remakes de juegos que tienen unos cuantos añitos y que por una razón u otra, han marcado el panorama lúdico del juego de mesa.
Una de la noticias que se hicieron público en el reciente Game Con en USA, fue la intención de realizar un remake del juego de mesa Game of Thrones, juntamente con sus dos expansiones.
Esta noticia ya la hemos comentado varias veces, hoy FFG, nos ofrece otra píldora de información, sobre lo que podremos encontrar, en esta nueva re-edición del clásico juego de batallas y estrategia a gran escala.
From the invasion of the First Men to the reign of the Andal kings; from the fiery conquest of the Targaryens to the rebellion of Robert Baratheon, the continent of Westeros has known constant military upheaval. Yet intrigue, betrayal, and assassinations have felled many a contender, and so has a timely lack of support from their bannermen. A House that dares set its sights on the Iron Throne must set in motion wheels within wheels to achieve its ends.

A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition is already in the hands of a few lucky Essen attendees, and their response so far has been fantastic! This definitive version of the beloved board game boasts a more attractive and streamlined presentation than ever before, helping players focus on the war at hand. But if weren't at the Essen Game Fair, don’t fret; it will be on store shelves soon! In the meantime, be sure todownload the complete rules (pdf, 12.7 MB) from our support page,register to attend the upcoming Days of Ice and Fire for an inside look at its development, and become an FFG fan on Facebook for your chance to win a copy.
But even with the rules at your disposal and the growing online buzz surrounding this momentous release, you may have questions about the exact differences between the first and second editions. Today, we’ll take a look at some of the components and mechanics that are completely new to A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (as opposed to those elements adopted from previous expansions), and we’ll see how they bring exciting never-before-seen options to your war for the Iron Throne.
Following orders
The all-important placement of Order tokens is the driving force behind your House’s acts of warfare, diplomacy, and betryal. So it’s no great insight to say that successful players must seek to maximize the impact of their orders whenever possible.

So what’s new? A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Editionintroduces some subtle, yet significant, changes to two of the Special Order Tokens. First, the Special Consolidate Power order now offers a choice: you can either collect Power tokens as normal, or (as an entirely new option) you can muster units in the area in which it’s been placed! This new versatility allows leaders to gather power for their long term plans, or gain a quick military boost to help mount a sudden attack.

Claim dominance
The game of thrones isn’t always played on the battlefield. Dominance tokens are symbols of a House’s political standing, diplomatic savvy, or underhanded capabilities, and the possession of these tokens conveys specific advantages. The keeper of the Iron Throne token, for example, determines the winner of ties, a power that can provide invaluable leverage when dealmaking.

The Messenger Raven token likewise awards a never-before-seen capability in addition to its standard power. Rather than using it to replace an Order token, its holder can opt to peak at the top card of the Wildling deck, afterwards placing that card back on top of the deck or hiding it away on the bottom. Use this secret knowledge when determining how many of your precious resources to send to The Wall, or bluff to compel your enemies to overcommit theirs!
Clarity, convenience, and balance
Beyond these larger additions, a number of smaller enhancements have been implemented that make A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition more straightforward and elegant than ever before. A Victory track has been added to the game board, allowing players to see who’s winning (and against whom to therefore team up) with a quick glance. Early players at Gen Con and other conventions have remarked on the added convenience of the Player Screens, which hide Order tokens from prying eyes while providing useful references.

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