12 junio 2012

Smash Up!!!, cuidado llegan los marcianos.

AEG va avanzando y nos muestra en modo píldoras, las razas que poblarán, este juego de cartas, que promete, ha priori, una mecánica revolucionaria o nueva a los visto hasta la fecha.
De momento, dejaremos esas promesas en el congelador, a la espera de poder tener entre las manos el reglamento y nos deleitaremos con la llegada de la facción de los marcianos al juego.
Divertidas ilustraciones que recuerdan a los extraterrestres clásicos de los años 50 o de películas de culto como Mars Attack (cuando Burton hacia buenas pelis).

We Come in Peace…

*static*We come in peace*static* *static*Lower your planetary defenses to allow our peaceful rain of heated benevolence*static*


We wish only *static* gain greater knowledge *static* to serve man. *static*


*static* geography of cities *static* important for our *static* plans for your *static* future.

Crop Circles

Our attempts *static* make clear intentions *static* your planet.


*static* Rest assured *static* here to *static* terrible secret of space. *static*
That’s all we were able to translate Colonel. We can’t be certain of their intentions I’m afraid, but their wholesale flattening of Detroit could be a message of hostility. Difficult to be sure though, it being Detroit and all…
Join us next week when more Aliens invade our site!
All visuals of Aliens beamed directly into your brain by Conceptopolis.

*static*Continued attempts*static* reach your leaders*static* diplomatic lasers. *static*


Do you have *static* flag? *static* I *static* have flag.

Supreme Overlord

*static* decisions for *static* your lives *static* better for continued *static* deployment.

Jammed Signal

Why rely *static* DSL for your *static* increased communication standard. *static*


*static* Yeah we went there. *static*
Join us next week when our final faction, Zombies, crawl from the earth to your computer screen!
All visuals of Aliens beamed directly into your brain by Conceptopolis.

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