Previsto Abril en castellano de la mano de Edge, en yankeelandia, se anuncia hoy, lo que sera el primer ciclo de cartas, concretamente Shadows of Mirkwood.
Realmente les debe funcionar muy bien, a los chicos de FFG y Edge, el tema de los LCG, ya que no tiene que ser nada fácil, mantener 4 colecciones distintas, La Llamada de Cthulhu, Juego de Tronos, Warhammer Invasión y ahora este Señor de los Anillos.
Todavía no sabemos nada o muy poca cosa de como funcionaran las mecánicas de este ultimo juego.
De momento y hasta que Edge se pronuncie, pues Abril esta casi a la vuelta de la esquina, podemos ir viendo lo que será el primer ciclo de packs.
Que lo disfrutéis y que vuestro bolsillos pueda soportarlo.

-The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien
Shadows of Mirkwood
The creature Gollum has been seen in Mirkwood, and Gandalf the Wise has requested his immediate capture. Travel vigilant. The way is not safe...
Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the first series of Adventure Packs for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, Shadows of Mirkwood! Introducing six new scenarios for you and your companions, Shadows of Mirkwood expands your core set experience with new heroes, new player cards, and new challenges to overcome.
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is the first cooperative/solo LCG, and the contents of each Adventure Pack are designed to support an ever-changing play environment suitable for this new style of game. Each Adventure Pack release will include a new scenario with a new set of Encounter cards that will be featured in the quest. In addition, players will also find a new Hero card and a variety of new player cards for all four spheres of influence.

A Word From the Designer
The most exciting aspect of designing the Shadows of Mirkwood expansion cycle was the chance to introduce six entirely new scenarios to the game; it provided an opportunity to really push the envelope and see where the core system could go. It was important that each quest in the cycle be playable as a standalone adventure, but I also wanted them to form a distinct sequential narrative when played in order from start to finish, so that an “epic” play experience would be possible for groups with such inklings.

Mechanically, I really wanted each scenario to be a unique experience; unlike any of the others and unlike any of the scenarios in the core set. So there’s a “tracking” quest with the players looking for clues of Gollum’s presence in the encounter deck, a combat oriented quest where the players are helping Grimbeorn the Old drive a group of powerful Trolls away from The Carrock, and one in which they find a wounded Eagle and must keep it alive and bring it to Radagast the Brown at Rhosgobel in a “race against the clock” type of quest. After those two “side quests,” the heroes are able to get back on Gollum’s trail, which leads to Emyn Muil, an extremely location heavy scenario that involves a lot of exploration. In the story's climactic end, will you be able to keep Gollum under strict guard as you fend off brutal attacks?
In addition to the 6 new scenarios, approximately half of each pack is devoted to new player cards. There is a new hero in each pack (starting off with Bilbo Baggins in The Hunt for Gollum Adventure Pack), and an assortment of cards for all 4 spheres. This was an exciting set to design, and I’m looking forward to its release!
Thanks, Nate! Be on the look out for the first Adventure Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle, The Hunt for Gollum, coming this spring!

- Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring
The elusive creature known as Gollum is hiding somewhere in the Anduin Valley. It is up to you to find him and discover what dark designs lay in wait for him...
Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce the upcoming release of The Hunt for Gollum, the first Adventure Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. Gollum has carelessly left a trail of clues in his wake, and Gandalf has commanded you and your companions to follow them and discover where the creature has disappeared to. But be careful, false leads could guide your party in circles, forcing you to begin your hunt anew.

Adventure Packs for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game provide many new options for players. Not only do they expand your available card pool, but they also introduce new quests to challenge your fellowship. These fixed 60 card decks include a new Hero, three copies of nine unique player cards, and the Encounter and Quest cards devoted to the included scenario.
A Trail of Clues
As the first Adventure Pack in the cycle, The Hunt for Gollum sets the stage for the coming quests by putting players in search of the titular creature, whose capture is the overall goal in Shadows of Mirkwood. For this first quest, players are tasked with uncovering the clues in the form of the Signs of Gollum Objective cards, which are shuffled into the Encounter deck.
Discovering Gollum’s trail will prove most difficult, however, with Hunters from Mordor pursuing you at every turn and Goblintown Scavengers pilfering your deck.
While many adversaries are introduced in this pack, heroes are not forgotten. The famous hobbit Bilbo Baggins is the Hero card featured in The Hunt for Gollum, and his familiarity with your evasive prey will surely aide you in the pursuit.
This spring, discover the growing adventure of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, and be sure to check back soon for more information on The Hunt for Gollum!
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