Desde la página de FFG, nos ofrecen las reglas en inglés de su nuevo LCG, The Lords of The Rings.
Teniendo en cuenta que és un juego que tiene fecha de publicación en nuestro país, para Abril, no creo que Edge, tarde mucho en ofrecernos esas reglas en castellano, para los que no dominamos la lengua de Shakespeare.
Mientras para los que no tengan ese problema, aquí las tenéis para ir ojeando y pillando la mecánica.

-The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien
Sometimes action is as dangerous as inaction, if the way to travel the road ahead is unknown. How much foresight can be expected of a hero who already holds the fate of the world in his hands?

Don’t fret, guidance has appeared; The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game rules (pdf, 3.9 MB) are now available for download on the support page!
Prepare for the Adventure
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is the upcoming cooperative Living Card Game that puts 1-2 players in control of the heroic characters of Middle-earth as they struggle against the shadow of Sauron’s might. You must embark on a new adventure with the beloved characters of Middle-earth, gather allies, face dangerous fiends, and complete quests that will determine the fate of the world.
Discover the multiple combinations of settings and enemies that will make you a hero over and over again by reading one of our recent previews. Explore an overview of the game, learn about quests, shadow effects, and the unique nature of solo play, or study the four spheres of influence: Spirit, Leadership, Lore, and Tactics.
An ancient powerful enemy awaits you in Mordor, but with preparation, you and your allies can triumph and stem the tide of evil.
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