FFG, nos presenta hoy una preview, de lo que será la última expansión, de momento para Battle of Westeros.
La preview, nos muestra un par de imágenes de los nuevos líderes y explicaciones de sus características.
Los seguidores de este juego, seguro que no os lo podéis perder.
The Tribes of
the Vale expansion for Battles
of Westeros provides House Lannister with an ally force, similar to how
Lords of
the River introduced House Tully as a House Stark ally. While ally
forces can be mixed and matched when using custom scenarios or Skirmish rules,
the included scenarios in Tribes of the Vale ally Houses Lannister with
the savage clansmen.
Led by the Ear
Today we’ll look at one of these clansmen, or clanswoman to be exact. Chella,
Daughter of Cheyk is the ruthless warrior from the Black Ears clan, known for
the grotesque trophies its members wear around their necks. Chella, despite her
small frame, is an excellent fighter, collecting more ears than many men in her
tribe. Her trophies have won her the support of her tribesmen, and they rally to
her whenever she displays her hideous earnings.
Chella is a remarkable commander when fielded with her Black Ears clansmen.
The Black Ears tribe is known for their agile cavalry, who can find their way
through crags with ease. They are also more famously known for their practice of
collecting the ears of their enemies. The Collector (ear) keyword means
that whenever a Black Ears unit destroys an enemy unit, they collect a number of
ear trophy tokens equal to the number of spaces the morale tracker moves as a
result of the kill.

Hear the Sound of Victory
To reflect Chella’s superior collection of severed ears, her Commander card gives her unit the ability to collect double the normal amount of trophy tokens whenever they eliminate a unit. Cunning players will use the ability to their advantage, and send Chella’s unit in to take care of weakened foes. Before you know it, she’ll be swimming in a sea of severed ears. Once your necklace is heavy enough, flip Chella’s card to activate her commit ability.
If Chella has collected enough ears, and enough Black Ears units remain on the board, then the turn in which you activate her commit ability will be a savage one indeed...
Check back soon for more barbaric updates for Tribes of the Vale!
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