Space hulk Death Angels, es un buen juego de cartas no coleccionables del creador de moda, Corey Konieczka.
Hoy FFG, nos anuncia dos mini-expansiones, por un precio de unos 3,5 euros aproximadamente cada una, que nos ofrecerán nuevas cartas de misiones, localizaciones, equipos de combate y Genestealers...

Print on Demand (POD) from Fantasy Flight Games is a remarkable new offering that combines the latest digital printing and shipping technologies. FFG can now produce and ship micro-expansions on-demand that would not otherwise be commercially viable.
The foundation of this new product line is the manufacturing process. Although we have long considered POD, it hasn't been until now that we have found a professional print service that can produce high-quality cards on demand. Our first POD products are a pair of micro-expansions for Space Hulk: Death Angel - The Card Game, adding new Missions, Locations, Combat Teams, and Genestealer adversaries in two small decks of cards. Check back next week for more information about Print on Demand, and how we're planning to take advantage of this exciting new development.
Both Mission Pack 1 and Space Marine Pack 1 Print on Demand expansions can be ordered directly from our webstore. If you are a retailer or distributor interested in carrying our Print on Demand products, you’ll find all the information you need to begin stocking these items on our Professional Zone website.
These new Print on Demand expansions are unique, and come in two different types: Mission Packs and Space Marine Packs; each adds to the base game in a different way. Mission Packs provide new Location and Terrain cards, while introducing new challenges for the players. Space Marine Packs expand your pool of available space marines, letting you take on the deadly Genestealers in new ways.

New Recruits
The Space Marine Pack 1 expansion adds two all-new Combat Teams to the fold. Brother Kaphael adds mobility to the team, while Brother Adron’s Cyclone Missile Launcher will be sure to add a new level of devastation to your team. Brother Metraen’s alertness will ensure that both sides stay covered while Chaplain Raziel channels his pious faith into paralysing attacks.
Each new Combat Team comes with their appropriate Action cards (three for each Combat Team). In addition, the Space Marine Pack 1 also includes eight Combat Team cards to replace the original six Combat Team markers in Death Angel.
New Missions

But beware! New terrors have emerged in the form of Adrenal Genestealers: deathly agile and relentless. These dangerous new foes will pop out from every dark corner, unleashing attack after attack.
Also included in Mission Pack 1 is an all-new Terrain card, that will threaten to thrust unfortunate space marines out into the cold embrace of space.
For more information on these exciting new Print on Demand expansions, visit the Death Angel expansion website and order yours today!
Call in the reinforcements and prepare for the next mission. The alien threat will not purge itself.
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