04 mayo 2011

Primera expansión para NightFall en Julio

Aunque ya hacia semanas que se comentaba, aquí tenéis lo que será la primera expansión para el Deckbuilder, Vampiro/Licantropo, NightFall.
Aunque la noticia incluye pocos detalles, se comenta que tendrá nuevos personajes, acciones y una nueva mecánica.
A día de hoy, tampoco se sabe, si alguna editora española, piensa traducirlo y distribuirlo en nuestro país, pero la cosa no pinta bien.

Nightfall: Martial Law

This July AEG will release Nightfall: Martial Law, the first expansion to Nightfall.
Darkness has enveloped the world; chaos reigns. Humanity fights back in the only way they know how: with forceful control. But how does one control creatures whose existence defies all logic?
Martial Law introduces many new characters and actions, as well as all-new color combinations for creating chains and achieving kickers. Martial Law will also introduce the new “Feed” mechanic which will allow players to get even more uses out of their orders. Finally Martial Law will also bring to the table a new Wound effect, sure to suprise your opponent.

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