03 mayo 2011

FFG nos ofrece las reglas de la expansión de Twilight Imperium

A los seguidores del Twilight Imperium, seguramente ya conocerán la noticia de la publicación de una expansión, para este juego, del que por desgracia yo no conozco muchos detalles, porque jamás he tenido la oportunidad de jugar.
De todas formas, ha todos estos seguidores, les interesará saber de la posibilidad de descargarse hoy las reglas en inglés, detalle que tampoco les importará pues se trata de un juego que no se a publicado en Español.

Centuries of war, followed by further centuries of xenophobic isolation, have left the once powerful empire little more than a distant memory. But even as the great races struggle to reclaim some semblance of their former glory, ambition grows unchecked in their hearts. Some are guided by a lust for power, others by a benevolent desire for peace. Ancient civilizations harbor ancient grudges, while newcomers to the galaxy work to further their own inscrutable agendas. But no matter their reasons, the horrors of the Twilight Wars have not deterred the great races from their prize; it has only delayed them.
A Guide to Galactic Dominance
The release of Shards of the Throne, the highly anticipated expansion to Twilight Imperium, is coming soon. So far, we’ve previewed the secrecy and double-dealings of the Political Intrigue option and the added firepower of Mechanized Units, Flagships, and Mercenaries. Today, we’re pleased to present the rules for Shards of the Throne (pdf, 2.9 MB) on our support page.
Download them to learn more, then head to your favorite retailer and pre-order

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