FFG, ha puesto a la venta Runebound Essential Collecction. Esta mega caja, contiene 6 expansiones publicadas anteriormente para Runebound, aunque para hacerla más atractiva incluye varios "regalos", como variantes de aventuras con reglas de juego totalmente nuevas, que reemplazan las del juego básico original.
Para los seguidores de las aventuras ambientadas en las lejanas tierras de Terrinoth, seguramente es una opción ha tener en cuenta.
Que yo sepa, el juego continua sin tener distribuidor en España, por lo que solo puede conseguirse en ingles.
En el enlace, encontrareis también las nuevas reglas descargables.
In Terrinoth, adventure awaits around ever corner. It is up to you greet it,
with sword or rune.
The Essential
Collection for Runebound
is now on sale! Begin your trek to your local retailer or our webstore
and acquire your copy today.
Featuring six previously released expansions for Runebound, the
Essential Collection contains two new Adventure variants, telling the
tales of The Cataclysm and The Seven Scions. With cursed stars
falling from the sky and the threat of the Stormlords invading Terrinoth, heroes
are needed more than ever. Each of these Adventure variants are comprised of new
game rules and new Adventure decks that replace the Rise of the Dragonlords
Adventure in the core set. These expansions not only tell new stories, but they
give players new objectives and alternate win conditions.
Also included in the Essential Collection are the Beasts and
Bandits and Traps and Terrors Challenge card expansions. These two
decks will add plenty of variety to your encounters and can be mixed in to the
Adventures of your choice.
Finally, the Essential Collection also comes with two Item and Ally
card expansions, Weapons of Legend and Rituals and Runes. These
decks add new cards to your Market deck, featuring new Item types and dozens of
new weapons, allies, and artifacts.

Head out to your local retailer today and secure this box of adventure for Runebound.
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