FFG nos ofrece hoy, un poco de información en sus habituales píldoras periódicas de la expansión que vendrá a complementar el gigantesco juego estratégico ambientado en los mundos de Terrinoth, RuneWars.
Juego al que por desgracia no he tenido la oportunidad de catar y del que se han escrito buenas cosas.
Para sus seguidores un poco más de información, de lo que se van a encontrar en esta expansión.
“This siege draws on endlessly, and the enemy grows stronger while our own supplies dwindle. Worse yet, the men’s morale is waning by the day. Uthuk fires light the horizon throughout the night, and rumors of unholy rituals spread despite my explicit warnings that they stop. This latest tale is the most troubling: the men claim to have caught glimpses of the Uthuk warlord, and describe him as a corpulent and disgusting abomination who dines on the flesh of our captured comrades. My lords, you must send reinforcements if this siege is to be broken.”
–excerpt recovered from a fallen Daqan messenger

To begin, Banners of War introduces a special reinforcement sheet to each faction’s play area, which lists all the pertinent information for their new units. By placing this reinforcement reference to the immediate right of their faction sheet, players can quickly and easily reference these alternate units’ initiative values.
But how do you recruit them? Each new unit has a base game counterpart that it can replace, at your discretion, whenever you execute a Recruit Order. For example, the Daqan Lords’ Novice Wizard is the recruitment counterpart of their Bowmen. So if the Daqan player has four wood, he can play a Recruit Order to gain two Bowmen, two Novice Wizards, or one of each.
The best and brightest
And with the Novice Wizard’s special ability, you’ll want plenty of them in play. The University of Greyhaven is bound by an ancient treaty to serve the Daqan Lords in times of war, and has sent its most talented young minds to honor this agreement. These battle-ready wizards are adept at magically undermining the efforts of their enemies; they have a special ability that forces opponents to discard Tactics cards. What’s more, as circle-based combatants, they have a higher likelihood of triggering that special ability than any other unit type.

Fleet of foot
Meanwhile, the Latari Elves have formed a pact with the sleek and nimble leonx of the Aymhelin forests. Now, their finest fighters ride these great catlike beasts into war, darting across Terrinoth’s most treacherous landscapes with ease.

Fueled by an unholy hunger
But the dark forces of Terrinoth won’t sit idly by as the Latari and Daqan rise in power. In Banners of War, the self-mutilating Uthuk Y’llan reach new depths of sacrilege, selling their souls to demons of gluttony to achieve a bloodlust that can only be described as obscene.

Rising again to plague Terrinoth
Finally, the forces of the Great Betrayer will stop at nothing to claim control of the dragon runes, even wielding dangerous powers unseen since the Dragon Wars. In ages past, the land was ravaged by the Great Wyrms, winged monstrosities capable of raining destruction from on high. The Dragon Wars saw these beasts slain and driven off... but now their massive corpses have risen again, this time in the service of Waiqar the Undying.

Whatever your play style, the wealth of options introduced in Banners of War lets you tailor the army – and the game experience – you’ve been looking for. Keep checking back for more in the coming weeks, and look for Banners on Waron store shelves later this quarter!
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