30 marzo 2011

FFG nos informa de que nos ofrecerá Miskatonic Horror.

Si hace unos dias, FFG nos informaba de como afectaría la nueva expansión Miskatonic Horror, para el juego Arkham Horror, en relación a su expansión Dunwich Horror.
Hoy le toca al turno a la relación con la expansión The King in Yellow.
Poco a poco, vamos sabiendo que esta nueva expansión para Arkham,nada tiene que ver con lo ofrecido hasta la fecha. En esta, FFG, nos da todo el material que anteriormente no habian incluido, por lo que fuera, y otro, que se encargará seguramente de homogeneizar todas las expansiones y actualizarlas hasta la fecha, pues como todos sabéis hay un buen margen de tiempo entre la primera y la última y muchos cambios de por medio.

Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in Dim Carcosa

-The King in Yellow, Robert W. Chambers
Miskatonic Horror introduces new content for all of your Arkham Horror expansions. Now you can experience new terrors in each neck of Arkham’s outlying woods. Previously we looked at what Miskatonic Horror has to offer in combination with the Dunwich Horror expansion. Today let’s explore what you can expect when combining The King in Yellow with your copy of Miskatonic Horror.
The Tattered King
The King in Yellow expansion introduces the Herald mechanic to Arkham Horror, providing the Ancient One with a malevolent being to serve as its henchmen. The Tattered King himself appears as the expansion’s Herald, the titular character from the blasphemous play that has come to Miskatonic University. With the King lurking in town, the curtains of oblivion threaten to wash Arkham from existence.
Act cards represent the inevitable doom that follows this maddening play. In The King in Yellow three Act cards are put into play, and if Act III is ever revealed, it’s curtains for Arkham.
Miskatonic Horror adds in four new Act cards, with an all-new Overture card. There are still three Acts to the play, and players still lose if the final Act begins. However, with the Overture card starting in play, presenting new rules, Act cards are revealed in different ways. This provides a new game experience for those who have seen this play before.
A Fervent Audience
The King in Yellow is now growing in popularity. Not only are Arkham’s citizens falling for this mesmerizing play, now the towns of Dunwich, Kingsport, and Innsmouth are all experiencing the phantasmic performance for themselves.
Blight cards represent important people in Arkham who have been driven insane by bearing witness to the play. These cards present negative global effects when they enter play. Additionally, since there are only Blight cards for formidable citizens in Arkham, whenever a player draws a Location card that specifically mentions a character who now has a Blight card in play, that player faces an additional penalty.
To represent the growing popularity of the haunting play, Miskatonic Horror introduces new Blight cards that now effect citizens of Arkham’s outlying towns. These Blight cards are shuffled into your existing Blight deck when combining The King in Yellow with Dunwich Horror, Kingsport Horror, and Innsmouth Horror.
The curtains are slowly falling, and Miskatonic Horror will soon give you an encore performance of The King in Yellow. Are you prepared?

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