30 marzo 2011

FFG se hace eco del Torneo del LCG Juego de Tronos en Madrid.

Como curiosidad, FFG, se hace eco hoy en su página web del Torneo del LCG Juego de Tronos, que tuvo lugar en Madrid el sábado 5 de Marzo, en donde 72 jugadores se vieron las caras.
En la review podemos ver las casas TOP 16. TOP 8 y TOP 4.
Felicidades a todos los participantes que seguro se lo pasaron muy bien.

Once upon a time, a group of European LCG players gathered to bravely fight each other for the Throne of Stahleck. But despite their bravery and skill only one player stood victorious at the battle’s end; a player named Gualdo claimed the Crown for Italy. Desiring another chance to succeed and wrest victory for themselves and their nations, the other European LCG players, restless in their defeat, traveled to the center of the Spanish Kingdom, Madrid, to fight for glory anew. These 72 players, armed with sword and shield, stood ready and waiting, for the greatest A Game of Thrones event of their time was about to begin.
The Tourney Begins
On Saturday, March 5th, the first day of battle, two tournaments were played. Every participant found their morning occupied with six fierce round of Joust, luckily ending just in time for the hungry opponents to renew their energy with a hearty lunch. While they feasted, the judges decided the top 16. The players not included in the top 16 were still able to defend their house’s honor in a second Joust tournament: The War of the Six Kings. In this tournament players could not fight other players who shared their house. After the dust cleared, House Martell stood victorious, winning The War of the Six Kings tournament.
The top 16 players in the main Joust tournament, meanwhile continued their battles, clashing against each other in fiery rivalry until their numbers were halved. When the top 8 player were declared, they were also granted a brief respite; the final battles would continue the next day. Lo, they would not admit it aloud, the strong warriors welcomed the time to relax. In the morning they could continue to crush their enemies, or die trying.
Tension filled the morning air on Sunday, March 6th. With House Martell having claimed the Joust the day before, players began fighting in a Melee tournament. The top 8 battles and the Melee confrontations were so exhilarating that many players refrained from continuing themselves in order to observe them. The morning finished with five players remaining in the Melee tournament, awaiting the last fight to the death. In the afternoon, the Melee tournament finished after several more hours of intense play. In the end, it was House Baratheon that stepped forward to claim its rightful throne.
Players were able to participate and observe two additional tournaments: the Suicidal CCG and the Mysterious Bag tournament. The Suicidal CCG had players beginning with 2 CCG booster pacs and 3 standard plot cards. If a player won a game they received their opponent’s cards, were able to add 10 more cards to their own deck, and add an additional plot card to their plot deck. The Mysterious Bag tournament involved competitors attempting to play their best with a random deck that had been designed by someone else. Every deck included instructions and featured custom cards designed by some of the “Guardia de la Noche” forum members.
The Best House
Every house of Westeros was represented in the top 16. However, only three houses made it to the top 8. Houses Baratheon, Targaryen, and Greyjoy were bested by Houses Lannister, Martell, and Stark in an assertion of strength and wits.
Top 16
1 Greyjoy
4* Baratheon
1 Targaryen
4 Stark
2* Lannister
4 Martell
(The Lannister player who ended up 16th had to attend to some personal issues, while the Baratheon player who followed played in his stead)
Top 8
3 Stark
2 Lannister
3 Martell
In the end, House Lannister was defeated before its champions could fight for the throne. That privilege was won by the Northern and Southern players who demonstrated their thirst for power and amazing playing skills.
Top 4
2 Stark
2 Martell
Stark vs Martell
Sato, the former winner of the Stahleck 2009 tournament was the winner. After a year and a half, House Martell reclaimed the throne and demonstrated their power and fearlessness. Who will be strong enough to take it from them next time?
Bonds of Friendship

Many of the players who withdrew from battle did so in order to defend their house’s honor. The battlefield was a rich tapestry of players from Spain, Italy, France, and Luxemburg. Unfortunately, Polish and Portuguese players were unable to attend, but are expected for the next tournament.
The atmosphere was very friendly and everyone who attended had a wonderful time. We played, of course, but also shared tips and strategies. We ate, of course, but also talked and drank, partying as brothers. These experiences united us all, despite the distance between our countries. Overall, it was both a successful and a joyous weekend during which we made many new friends, with whom we hope to once again challenge on the fields of war, in battles to come.
Battles to Come
The official domestic LCG regional venues for the 2011 LCG Regional Championship have been announced. Show your excitement and enthusiasm for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game with this opportunity to compete against the best players in your local area. This year’s A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Regionals prizes include:
  • 1 “Regional Champion 2011” trophy
  • 1 signed and certified “Regional Champion 2011” certificate
  • 2 playmats for the top two players of the tournament
  • 4 large 24” x 26” uncut card sheets from an expansion print run
  • 8 large glossy art prints
  • 8 “A Game of Thrones Regional Championship 2011” cloisonne pins
  • 16 sets of 3 double-sided limited-run House cards (48 cards total)
  • 1 randomized “Sansa prize” - either a card box, playmat, or pin set - for the last place player
Don’t miss out on victory! Check the list for a venue near you and make your plans to attend and compete.

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