Pocos días falta para la salido en el mercado yankee, del nuevo juego de cartas ¿DeckBuilder?, de FFG.
Uno de los juegos mejor criticados de la reciente Gencon, parece que tiene el beneplácito de los seguidores y admiración de quienes han tenido la suerte de jugarlo.
Tendremos que esperar todavía un par de meses para ver este BB Team Manager en castellono en nuestro pais.
Con las reglas en inglés y este vídeo-tutorial completísimo que nos da FFG, en la línea de los videos que nos han ofrecido de sus LCG, podremos hacernos una buena idea de cual es la mecánica del juego.
Welcome, sports fans! The season begins tomorrow; can you smell the excitement in the air, Bob? | |
I certainly smell something, Jim. | |
Well, the managers are making their last-minute preparations, getting ready for what’s sure to be a nail-biter of a season. Some teams have even spent the off season at training camps, boning up on the rules. | |
Who cares about rules, Jim? This is Blood Bowl! | |
Good question, Bob, but some coaches never learn... |
Are you ready?
Tomorrow, Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game will be on stores shelves all over the world! In this fast and furious card game of football face-offs, Chaos, Dwarf, Wood Elf, Human, Orc, and Skaven teams compete over the course of a brutal season. Customize your team by drafting Star Players, hiring staff, and upgrading facilities, all to win the most fans!
Video Highlights
Prepare for the season with this detailed six-part tutorial video, which presents an overview of game’s fundamental rules.

Click the link above to view the tutorial
You can also view it on YouTube, or with QuickTime from the support page.
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