Los chicos de Ares, que se hicieron con parte del material de Nexus Games, han decidido relanzar Wings of War, llamado ahora Wings of Glory. Si hace algún tiempo, vimos relanzados los aviones de la I Guerra Mundial, ahora le toca el turno a los de la segunda.
Así, que tendremos un nuevo re-lanzamiento de aviones como el Spitfire, El hurricane, el Stuka y demás protagonistas, que surcaron el cielo durante la segunda gran guerra.
Espero que consigan hacerlo funcionar, pues sinceramente creo que la saga Wings of War, son juegos, fáciles, rápidos y sobretodo divertidos.
Gisclon in the P-40
Durand in the Yak-1
Kobayashi in the Ki-61
Vaccari in the Falco II
For the American players, not much in this set to drive sells besides collecting all the planes, unless you are really wanting to do the Africa front and need the desert scheme P-40 for repaints.
I will say it has the better paint jobs for the Ki-61 and Yak-1 planes though.
Also of interesting note is that a play tester has said that the Basic, Standard and Advanced rules eluded to are this:
Basic rules: Play as single card at a time, planning a new one after moving and firing.
Standard rules: The same as what Dawn of War was with plane two, move one and plan another.
Advanced rules add in altitude and the other optional rules from Dawn of War.
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