Como lo prometido es deuda, hoy ya esta disponible en el market de Android, la versión para dispositivos con este sistema operativo, del juego de dados Elder Sign Omens, por un precio de 2.90 euros, que no esta nada mal.
También encontrareis la correspondiente versión para Ipad, en la Appstore por unos 7 dolares.
A ver si alguien se anima a descargarse-lo y nos hace algunas valoraciones.
Likewise are there dread survivals of things older and more potent than man; things that have blasphemously straggled down through the aeons to ages never meant for them; monstrous entities that have lain sleeping endlessly in incredible crypts and remote caverns, outside the laws of reason and causation, and ready to be waked by such blasphemers as shall know their dark forbidden signs and furtive passwords.
– H.P. Lovecraft and William Lumley, "The Diary of Alonzo Typer"
– H.P. Lovecraft and William Lumley, "The Diary of Alonzo Typer"
Earlier this week, we warned you of horrifying otherworldly gates opening in the vicinity of iPhone and iPod touch owners, drawing them into other worlds for hours on end. Now, this phenomenon has spread! Elder Sign: Omens, the digital application based on Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson’s popular dice game, is now available for your Android, iPad, and Mac OS X device (in addition to your iPhone and iPod touch). Click the applicable link below to begin your download and experience the horrors of the museum.
Pick your platform
Elder Sign: Omens allows players to build the perfect team of up to four intrepid investigators as they work to prevent the emergence of Azathoth, the demon god of the unnamable void. His arrival will surely spell the end of human existence, but if you can use your investigators’ skills wisely, you’ll stave off destruction. All sixteen of Elder Sign’s unique investigators stand ready to face these otherworldly horrors; control any number of them in your own solo game, or “pass and play” with your friends. To whet your appetite, we’ve put together this brief video overview:

Click the above image to launch the video trailer (QuickTime, 9.4 MB).
You can also view it on YouTube.
Added challenges
But remember, while Elder Sign: Omens brilliantly conveys the spirit of the Elder Sign dice game, a few noteworthy differences were adopted to optimize the mobile play experience:

- Arguably the most powerful Ancient One in Lovecraft’s Mythos, Azathoth’s awesome power is indisputable. This infinitely destructive deity is therefore the focal point of Elder Sign: Omens, and the only available Ancient One.
- A number of subtle changes increase the peril of defending humanity. For example, the random negative effects drawn every midnight are more challenging, and the frequency of “no effect” results has been decreased. Monsters have likewise been altered to make them more difficult.
- Finally, there are no Ally cards in Elder Sign: Omens, which further streamlines play while increasing the overall challenge.
Can you stand against the impending arrival of Azathoth? Download Elder Sign: Omens today!
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